Nurgle Sorcerer

The final member of this small nurgle warband is this sorcerer, who will lead them in their future skirmishes.

I had a lot of fun painting this model, tried a few new techniques, mainly blending with really thinned down pain through the airbrush after finishing highlights. I used purple mainly, mostly to smooth out the highlights on the cloak. I’m keen to try that technique out further on future models as I really enjoy the results.

Just like with the Blightkings I posed him in some terrain for an atmospheric photo, with a few more traditional shots after.

Creeping around some creepy woods…

A Second Blightking

Slowly making my way through the rest of the unit. I’m painting these one by one with the intent of making them look a bit haphazard. I figure these are Nurgle’s (almost) greatest champions, they probably achieved a lot to get where they are, and have amassed their gear over the course of their lives. They to me are more like a party of high-level adventurers rather than a military unit, and I want the painting to reflect that.

I’ve also based and primed the leader for the warband, a nurgle sorcerer