More Archers!

Following on from my last post I painted more archers from my set of 5th edition Bretonnians for the garrison of Malko. This is the second sculpt these models came in, and just like last time I had 12 to get through.

Panting-wise these are identical to the last batch so not too much to comment on there, but it’s nice to have these all done. Just like the previous ones, I tried to have no duplicates in terms of colours which kept painting 12 of the same model more interesting.

There is plenty more Bretonnian infantry is on the way, but that’s it for archers!

Earlier this week some LED light panels arrived in the post, and I got to try them on this post’s photos. They made lighting the photos a bit easier, and offer some interesting possibilities for photos with coloured light as you can see in the photo at the top of the post. Keen to try these out and see what I might be able to do with them!

8 thoughts on “More Archers!

  1. Its great to see some more archers, although the new lighting is pretty exciting too. I think these pictures are nicely lit and if you can play around with the colors like in that photo at the top then you could really be onto something cool here! There’s not much better than a scenic picture after all!

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