Off to work we go!

Planning is proceeding for the Border Princes campaign, armies have been selected and painting underway! I’ll be fielding Dwarfs and Vampire Counts, with the remainder of the forces in the campaign being Lizardmen, Beastmen, Orcs and Goblins, and Wood Elves. Additionally we’ve decided to have a small Bretonnian force defend the central town to make it a bit more challenging to take that important location. I’ll be painting that up took so expect some photos as I start getting getting around to that.

First up though is more progress on the Dwarfs. This unit of miners is probably the largest unit that I’ll be including in the army, so it was nice to get it done. The models are a mix of the old metal miners for the command and of the Battle for Skull Pass plastic models. They’re actually quite different looking but I think with the matching paintwork they work together well enough.

Painting-wise these were pretty straightforward. I used contrast paints a fair bit, with the beards being just a single coat of contrast: Gore-Grunta Fur for the red beards, Black Templar for the black beards, Skeleton Horde for the blonde beards, Cygor Brown for the brown beards and Apothecary White for the white beards.

The leather was done with Snakebite Leather with a coat of Burnt Umber Ink over the top to darken it. The candles are a single coat of Aggaros Dune, with the flames done with a coat of Nazdreg Yellow with some highlights of Nazdreg Yellow mixed with white.

The metallics are all Scale75, with the silver sections done with Black Metal and the bronze sections with Necro Gold. In both cases I base coated with the metallic paints, gave them a wash of Agrax Earthshade and highlighted back up with the paints.

The green on the armour is Vallejo Heavy Black Green followed by successive highlights mixing in Scale 75 Sherwood Green.

Overall I’m pretty happy with the look of these considering they were painted relatively fast. Hopefully I can get these Dwarves done up relatively quickly and move on to the other armies for the campaign!

10 thoughts on “Off to work we go!

  1. These are some classic sculpts, Nic! The unit looks fantastic and you make painting up a block of dwarves look easy. I sure hope we see some dwarves like this in The Old World. I prefer these to the AoS dwarves (not that those are bad or anything) because they’re such a timeless design and concept.

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